Sorry that this is only in Indonesian. Commemorating the 5th anniversary of the tsunami disaster in Sumatra (26 Dec 2004), I paste this article here. This article is important for my personal artistic reasons as well. It has been published in many newspapers in Kalimantan (Borneo) and Sumatra, and it's a conversation between me and the poet of "Bibirku Bersujud di Bibirmu", Hasan Aspahani. Here it is:
* Ananda Sukarlan Gubah Sajak Hasan Aspahani
Tajam, Pedih, dan Menggerakkan
Bagaimana dan apa jadinya jika sebuah sajak digubah menjadi sebuah komposisi musik klasik, dan dipadukan pula dengan sebuah tarian? Inilah yang akan terjadi pada tanggal 3 Januari 2010 nanti di Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM).
Ananda Sukarlan akan tampil dalam konser bertajuk Jakarta New Year Concert. Ia akan membawakan komposisi yang ia gubah dari sajak Hasan Aspahani "Bibirku Bersujud di Bibirmu". Chendra Panatan, koreografer bereputasi internasional, akan menghiasi konser itu dengan tafsir lain atas sajak itu lewat gerak tari.
"Bukan hanya judul sajak itu yang begitu menyentuh. Seluruh isi sajak itu tajam, pedih dan menggerakkan!" kata Ananda Sukarlan.
Kompisi "Bibirku" terdiri dari dua sesi: pertama, trio untuk piano, alto flute dan biola. Dan bagian kedua, untuk soprano dan piano. Masing-masing bisa dimainkan terpisah. Chenra tampil di bagian pertama.
"Kami tak menyebut tariannya sebagai balet. Karena memang bukan balet. Pokoknya, para penari tampil menyuguhkan gerakan yang kompleks dengan ratusan meter kain properti, yang dengan spektakuler mengesankan gerakan ombak. Ananda Sukarlan bermain dengan dukungan Inez Raharjo pada biola, Elizabeth Ashford pada alto flute, dan Aning Katamsi - penyanyi soprano.
Berikut ini petikan wawancara Hasan Aspahani (HAH) di Batam dengan Ananda Sukarlan (AS) yang menetap di Spanyol, ihwal kerjasama kreatif mereka tersebut.
HAH: Kenapa ya Anda tertarik dengan sajak itu? Saya ingat saya kirimi Anda buku "Orgasmaya.." Ada sajak "Bibirku... " di buku itu. Itukah pertama kali Anda membaca sajak tersebut?
AS: Wah, saya lupa dimana pertama kali baca-nya. Mungkin di buku itu, mungkin dari blog sejuta puisi. Yang saya ingat adalah "kortsleting" yang terjadi di badan saya saat saya membacanya. Kadang-kadang kortsleting itu hanya sebentar terus hilang, tapi dalam kasus "BBDB" itu "setruman"-nya cukup lama, bahkan saat saya sedang utak-atik untuk bikin musik, masih saja terasa.
HAH: Kelihatannya susah ya menafsirkan isi sajak itu ke komposisi musik. Apa saja tantangannya?
AS: Yang susah bukan menafsirkannya. Menafsirkannya itu gampang, bahkan saya bisa bilang bahwa proses ini otomatis, karena ada beberapa puisi yg "bunyi" begitu saya baca (puisi-puisi lain adalah seperti "Dalam Sakit"nya SDD, "The young dead soldiers"nya Archibald MacLeish dll). Ini tidak ada hubungannya dgn panjangnya puisi ataupun struktur dll ... ada puisi yang "bunyi" di dalam diri saya, ada yang tidak.
Yang sulit adalah saat menerjemahkan detail-detail bunyi yang saya dengar. Itu berhubungan dengan teknik komposisinya, bukan penafsiran atau inspirasinya.
Ada bunyi-bunyi yang kompleks, dan tugas seorang komponis adalah menuliskannya untuk "mentransfer"-nya ke para musikus yang nanti memainkan not-not balok itu. Nah, bagaimana supaya bunyi itu bisa direproduksi secara akurat, itu yang sulit. Ini berhubungan dengan progresi harmoni-harmoni yang masih jarang (bahkan belum pernah) saya dengar sebelumnya, dan juga warna dari bunyi itu kan harus ditentukan (oleh karena itu saya menggunakan instrumen alto flute, yang belum pernah dipakai di Indonesia. Mungkin ini adalah karya komponis Indonesia pertama yang menggunakan instrumen ini). Juga hal-hal teknis lain misalnya proses repetitif tapi transformatif dari kata "gelombang".
Itu sama seperti kalau sedang dibaca : diulang-ulang tapi tidak sama intonasinya, kan? Nah, intonasi itu diterjemahkan ke dalam progresi harmoni kalau di dalam musik.
HAH: Berapa lama menggarapnya sampai merasa selesai, beres, pokoknya sampai Anda merasa ada sesuatu dari komposisi itu.
AS: Ada dua proses : sketching, dan kemudian proses menuliskan detailnya. Sketching-nya cepet banget : 1-2 jam setelah (dan sambil) baca puisi itu sudah kelar.
Sebetulnya setelah saya sketch, baru saya bikin beneran beberapa bulan setelahnya, karena banyak hal yang tidak bisa saya tinggalkan. Dengan sketching inspirasi itu tertulis dan jadinya tidak akan terlupakan. Sejak permulaan saya merasa bahwa ini bukan karya yang kecil (bukan hanya dari segi durasi, tapi juga dari kedalaman & kompleksitas ekspresinya).
Saya selalu bawa kertas kemana-mana, karena inspirasi kadang-kadang terjadi pada saat yang tidak tepat, dan kalau tidak saya tulis (walaupun hanya secara garis besar) biasanya akan lupa. Nah, penulisan detailnya itu saya kerjakan on and off, di tengah kesibukan lain, dan juga karena faktor bahwa karya ini cukup panjang dan arah-arahnya cukup "unpredictable". Makanya saya menganggap karya ini penting dalam daftar karya-karya saya (yang sekarang Alhamdulilah jumlahnya ratusan, dan tidak semua sama "pentingnya" buat saya he he ...) karena ada konsep harmoni baru yang buat saya sendiri merupakan suatu "discovery". Ini penting buat saya sendiri dan perkembangan musik saya.
HAH: Bisa sebutkan beberapa contoh karya anda yang "penting" dan juga yang "tidak penting" bagi perkembangan artistik anda ?
AS: Yang penting adalah "Dalam Sakit" (dari puisi Sapardi Djoko Damono), The Young Dead Soldiers (dari puisi Archibald MacLeish) dan Requiescat (karya instrumental untuk english horn dan string quartet). Karya-karya tersebut buat saya adalah references, atau tonggak-tonggak yang menentukan jalannya nilai-nilai artistik saya selanjutnya. Yang tidak penting misalnya musik saya untuk film "Romeo & Juliet" : itu musik yang --walaupun sekarang menjadi cukup populer di antara banyak sekali pianis yang memainkannya karena melodinya "enak didengar"-- saya ciptakan semata-mata untuk menggambarkan emosi dan latar belakang suatu adegan saja. Juga beberapa lagu-lagu pendek yang saya ciptakan misalnya untuk kado ulang tahun teman-teman, dan sebagainya. Anehnya, seperti kasus film R & J itu, banyak musik saya yang tidak penting buat saya tapi justru yang paling populer ....
HAH: Ada juga tarian nanti ditampilkan bersamaan dengan komposisi itu. Kenapa ada kolaborasi begitu? Bagaimana bisa muncul ide memadukan tari dan musik itu?
AS: Saya bercerita tentang musiknya dan kemudian saya mainkan ke Chendra Panatan , koreografer yg saya paling kagumi di Indonesia dan sering bekerjasama dengan saya.
Sebetulnya proses dia sama saja dengan proses saya dgn sebuah puisi. Kalau saya "mendengar" musik dari puisi itu, dia "melihat goyangan" dari musik saya. Ada musik saya yang "menggoyangnya", ada yang tidak, dan kebetulan "Bibirku" secara visual juga sangat "menonjok". Koreografi itu memakai gesture-gesture dan gerakan yang sangat besar, sehingga tubuh penari butuh semacam "extensions", makanya dia akan memakai kain-kain, efek lampu dan lain-lain. Sampai saat ini sih saya belum melihat koreografinya dia (yang masih juga dalam proses, belum selesai), tapi saya yakin efeknya akan sangat luar biasa, bukan hanya sekedar mencengangkan, tapi juga secara emosional sangat dalam.***
sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009
martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009
(Not just) Another choral piece (for ITB Choir)
I spent a most memorable afternoon today at Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung. It's a center for the making and learning the traditional instrument called angklung, made of bamboo. The reason I was there is because ITB Choir has commissioned me to write quite a big (they use the term "monumental"-- I hope I can realize it!) piece for choir and (western) orchestra and an ensemble of angklung, which will be the first piece in the world written for that formation. This piece is meant to mark the inauguration of their ITB International Choral Festival and Competition, where I am also honoured to be invited to serve as a jury member.
I left Saung Udjo with a strange feeling : a mix of enlightenment, happiness and peace (yeah, the place gave you that feeling, especially we watched the sunset in that wondrous, heavenly place) but also full of doubt of what piece would come out of my brain (which sometimes doesn't collaborate happily with me). One thing for sure is that I am not going to change my musical style, and as I always say, I write what I feel I should write. The inauguration will be televised, and attended by thousands of people from all over the (choral) world. Bandung will be the center of choral music during that week starting from end of July 2010. The concert of my piece itself will be on the 29th of July 2010.
I don't have to worry about it for now. I have another mammoth coming very shortly : in about 10 days my second cantata "LIBERTAS", this time reorchestrated and will be performed by more than 100 musicians will be the main course of the Jakarta New Year Concert on the 3rd of January 2010. Plus my new collaborative work with Chendra Panatan : a choreographic work on the tsunami, called "Bibirku Bersujud di Bibirmu". The music and the choreography turn out to be quite complex (no, not only a cascade of running notes depicting tsunami: it has a love theme, tsunami theme, and then a vocal part sung by Aning Katamsi, based on a poem of the same title by Hasan Aspahani). So, I'll concentrate on that for now. My great friends (and great artists!0 are joining me for this, and I also have the greatest luck to meet new friends with no less talents, such as the 15-year-young violinist prodigy Inez Raharjo and the singers of Paragita from Universitas Indonesia (yeah, they were the ones who commissioned me my "Choral Fantasy", if you remember, but this is the first time that I had the pleasure to work with them. They are F-A(U)-N-T-A-S-T-I-C !
Next week will be a week of basically rehearsing and rehearsing with different people, before we have all the musicians and dancers coming together for the general rehearsal the day before the concert. As you can imagine, New Year for me doesn't mean champagne and big lobsters, since 5 years ago when we did the Jakarta New Year Concert for the first time. Many rains has fallen since then, and it has now grown into a full-blown celebrational event and a trademark for the first Sunday of the year in Indonesia's capital city. Thanks to all of you who've supported us these 5 years!
Happy New Year, and Happy New Ears for Classical Music ! Now, who said that classical music is dying??
I left Saung Udjo with a strange feeling : a mix of enlightenment, happiness and peace (yeah, the place gave you that feeling, especially we watched the sunset in that wondrous, heavenly place) but also full of doubt of what piece would come out of my brain (which sometimes doesn't collaborate happily with me). One thing for sure is that I am not going to change my musical style, and as I always say, I write what I feel I should write. The inauguration will be televised, and attended by thousands of people from all over the (choral) world. Bandung will be the center of choral music during that week starting from end of July 2010. The concert of my piece itself will be on the 29th of July 2010.
I don't have to worry about it for now. I have another mammoth coming very shortly : in about 10 days my second cantata "LIBERTAS", this time reorchestrated and will be performed by more than 100 musicians will be the main course of the Jakarta New Year Concert on the 3rd of January 2010. Plus my new collaborative work with Chendra Panatan : a choreographic work on the tsunami, called "Bibirku Bersujud di Bibirmu". The music and the choreography turn out to be quite complex (no, not only a cascade of running notes depicting tsunami: it has a love theme, tsunami theme, and then a vocal part sung by Aning Katamsi, based on a poem of the same title by Hasan Aspahani). So, I'll concentrate on that for now. My great friends (and great artists!0 are joining me for this, and I also have the greatest luck to meet new friends with no less talents, such as the 15-year-young violinist prodigy Inez Raharjo and the singers of Paragita from Universitas Indonesia (yeah, they were the ones who commissioned me my "Choral Fantasy", if you remember, but this is the first time that I had the pleasure to work with them. They are F-A(U)-N-T-A-S-T-I-C !
Next week will be a week of basically rehearsing and rehearsing with different people, before we have all the musicians and dancers coming together for the general rehearsal the day before the concert. As you can imagine, New Year for me doesn't mean champagne and big lobsters, since 5 years ago when we did the Jakarta New Year Concert for the first time. Many rains has fallen since then, and it has now grown into a full-blown celebrational event and a trademark for the first Sunday of the year in Indonesia's capital city. Thanks to all of you who've supported us these 5 years!
Happy New Year, and Happy New Ears for Classical Music ! Now, who said that classical music is dying??
sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009
Explaining art
Sometimes I receive compliments about my piano recitals that I talk to the public, explaining the music. I don't know if explaining music or arts in general deserves to be congratulated. Perhaps it does, if the one who does it is an academician or intellectual. But not artists, I think.In fact, what I talked during my piano recitals has nothing to do with explaining music. It is like a monologue about other things which is connected to music. I don't have anything to say about my music anymore; I have written all down in the form of musical notes on paper.
I think music expresses those which cannot be expressed thru words. Besides, if it could be explained, why listen to the music? I would like my music to be able to communicate with its audience directly, without having to be explained what the music is about. Hopefully it works that way.
Art is like sex, and rationalizing it is like masturbating. Yes it does give you orgasm, (perhaps more to him who explains it and not so much to the listener/reader), but that's fake orgasm. In fact, that's why I call music critics "The Great Masturbator". Sorry for borrowing the title of the great masterpiece by Salvador Dali, since music critics are much worthless than that. Most of the time they even misinterpreted the music they are trying to explain to the reader, and their opinion is as useless as the product of masturbation : nobody derives pleasure from it. It's just wasted.
I think music expresses those which cannot be expressed thru words. Besides, if it could be explained, why listen to the music? I would like my music to be able to communicate with its audience directly, without having to be explained what the music is about. Hopefully it works that way.
Art is like sex, and rationalizing it is like masturbating. Yes it does give you orgasm, (perhaps more to him who explains it and not so much to the listener/reader), but that's fake orgasm. In fact, that's why I call music critics "The Great Masturbator". Sorry for borrowing the title of the great masterpiece by Salvador Dali, since music critics are much worthless than that. Most of the time they even misinterpreted the music they are trying to explain to the reader, and their opinion is as useless as the product of masturbation : nobody derives pleasure from it. It's just wasted.
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